







Tomato is native to western South America. It is second most important vegetable next to potato. Tomatoes are now popular across the world, and became king of vegetables and their consumption is believed to benefit the heart, among other organs. They contain the carotene, lycopene one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C and also contains amount of potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A & B. It is grown round the year under field and protected conditions. Generally it is used for culinary purpose and industrial value added products like Ketchup, Sauce etc.


It is an important vegetable of the tropical countries and most popular in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Brazil and Ghana. It is grown in tropical and subtropical parts of the world. It is grown in Kharif as well as in summer conditions. It is cultivated extensively round the year for its immature fruits. Dependable yield and adaptability to varying moisture conditions. It is rich in vitamin A and folic acid, besides carbohydrates, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium and other mineral matters. The fruits are harvested when immature and eaten as vegetable.


Widely cultivated in tropical and sub tropical regions of the world. Temperature range from 20 to 32 degree centigrade is ideal for chilly. A warm humid climate favors the growth, while dry whether enhances fruit maturity. It is grown under rain fed and irrigated situations. It is used as green or dried fruits for culinary purposes. The fruits are rich in Vitamin A & C.


It is a warm season crop. It is widely grown in tropical and sub tropical and warm regions of the world. Presently for fresh consumption of juicy and fleshy mature fruits. Thus there is a need to improve high quality melons, it can be achieved partly due to good management practices. It is one of the most popularly grown fruit vegetable in the country today during summer. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and A, beta carotene, antioxidant.


The Gourd Family (Cucurbitaceae) includes hundreds of species of vines bearing coiled, climbing tendrils and some of the most unusual fruits in the world. The total number of species may exceed 700, with at least 100 different genera. Known as “curcurbits” to gourd lovers, the fruits of this exceedingly diverse family come in an astounding array of shapes and sizes, from tiny, marble-sized “jumbie pumpkins”. The gourd family also includes many economically important fruits and vegetables, including pumpkins, squash, melons and cucumbers. In addition, gourds are used by people throughout the world for musical instruments

Bottle Gourd

Researchers have discovered bottle gourd’s remains from Mexican caves dating from 7000 BCE. Traces of this gourd have also discovered near Egyptian tombs belonging to the 4th millennium BCE. One of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, bottle gourd is a climbing plant which bears hard-shelled and bottle-shaped gourds as fruits. This delicious vegetable is also known by the names of bottle squash, calabash gourd, doodhi and lowki. Even today, its popularity graph is surging up and bottle gourds are widely used for preparing many delicious recipes. A rich source of vitamins, iron and minerals; it is an excellent diet for people having digestive problems. Since it contains low calories, bottle gourd is an awesome foodstuff for shedding extra calories and maintaining optimum health.


Brinjal is a warm season crop; a long warm season is desirable for successful brinjal production and it is a hardy crop. It is widely grown and consuming vegetables in India. Many countries consider it as a poor man’s (meat) rich vegetables. Rich source of fiber, folic acid, calcium, potassium, contains vitamin C and B and minerals.